OTIS New Modular Cabin Aesthetica Concept
奥的斯是世界上最大的电梯制造商,150年来,一直致力于研究、开发、制造、安装、维修、保养、更新改造电梯、自动扶梯、自动人行道等运输系统。目前,奥的斯电梯在200多个国家和地区运转着。每五天运载全球人口一次。世界各国20座地标性建筑中,有12座使用了奥的斯电梯。 100多年前,中国第一部电梯由奥的斯安装在上海。目前,奥的斯电梯(中国)投资有限公司在中国经营管理着奥的斯(OTIS电梯品牌,生产、销售、安装、维修保养以及改造电梯、扶梯,人行走道、屏蔽门和穿梭机系统,是中国最大的电梯和扶梯生产商和服务商。
Story Script
Otis New Modular Cabin Aesthetics Concept, your exclusive private customized cabin decoration, brings new flexibility in Cabin Aesthetics with Modular Concept.Fashion, Variety, Numerous cabins take center stage. Every changed character will be unique to you.Car panel’s raise or flat will bring you another dramatic landscape.Various floor options make your cabin quite distinguished with minor changes.With a wide range of capabilities, modular ceiling will change the sky of your cabin.Multiple handrail types meet your minds every time everywhere. A breakthrough design in human interface improves passenger experience even further.Our cabin aesthetics will go together with your architecture very well because they are designed as you wish.Otis New Modular Cabin Aesthetics Concept, your exclusive private customized cabin decoration.